This page tells you how to register many students with ER-Central at one time using our bulk registration feature and how to download their data later.



1. Register your institution

2. Download the excel spreadsheet into which you put your students’ IDs and passwords, names etc. All usernames should be unique to ER=Central so we suggest adding an acronym before the username. For example, Fernando at Ace College of English’s username might be ACE_Fernando to prevent you uploading a name that is already taken. The system will tell you if you do, and you can change it at upload time. (remember to go back and change your spreadsheet with the username changes :).

3. Login and you will see your menu. Click Bulk registration and upload your students

4. Give the ID and passwords to students and tell them to login and start learning.  At first they must enter their information and take a level check

5. After some time – maybe a few weeks, your can download their data from your menu.

If the above is not clear, read the instructions below


You need to create that account first and then login as the institution. But here are a couple of steps you can do first.

1. Download the excel spreadsheet to enter your students’ data. Note that the file MUST be saved as in xls format (use Save as in Excel to select xls   Note NOT xlsx). Please follow the instructions below.
Download the excel spreadsheet

Contact ER-Central if you are having problems.

2. Ensure each user’s username is unique and has no spaces. Capitalization is ignored (Acceptable: BillyBond, Joe_Doe, ABC12345, MyUsErNaMe; NOT Acceptable  Billy Bond, Joe Doe). You may wish to use their school number and an acronym.  E.g. a student with the school number 13001 attending Smart College of English students may have a username such as SCE13001.

Note that bulk upload will assume everyone’s status is a Student. If you wish to register other teachers at your Institution, they should register normally.


A) Users who are bulk registered under an institution will be recorded in the system as ‘Institutional Users’  and will not be allowed to change some of their settings – e.g. their usernames and password. This is to avoid administration issues with lost passwords. You should therefore keep a copy of the spreadsheet in a safe place. If you lose the spreadsheet and a user loses their recovery information, contact ER-Central for password recovery but please note we are busy and may not be able to respond quickly. Users who register themselves independently (not bulk uploaded) will be ‘Standard Users’ and are allowed to modify their passwords and other data. Institutions wanting to allow users to change their passwords should contact ER-Central. The Institutional Users will be asked to enter certain information on first login – e.g. age, password recovery information and some information about themselves – see below.

B) If your institution is not already registered with ER-Central, register your institution, otherwise skip to Step 4 to bulk upload your students.  To register the institution, click Register from the main menu and select “Register an Institution” from the top right. Note: if you are unsure if your institution has been registered, click “Register an Institution” and type the name in the Institution name field. If it appears, then it has already been registered and you can find who to contact at your institution who can bulk upload the students.

3. Login as the Institution to bulk upload students

Many problems people have regarding bulk registration concern them logging in as a personal account. Please use the Institution account you set up

4. Go to the bulk upload form

5. Select your xls file (MUST be .xls  not .xlsx – use Save as… in excel).  

6. Check the box to confirm you have authority to upload these data.

7. Upload the data to ER-Central from your .xls file by clicking “Bulk Register”.  You will see a table of the students to be registered.  Sometimes there are errors – such as a username is already taken. Make sure you record any changes you make to this list here in your xls file.

Suggestion: If you see errors, click cancel.  Amend your .xls file and try again until you see no errors.  Try putting an acronym in front of usernames to help make them unique.  such as     201601234 > NDSU201601234

8. Check the integrity of the data and click BULK REGISTER.

You have success when you see this.

Your students will then be registered. Note that all usernames should have no spaces and should be unique. Please change any that are highlighted in red and record the changes on your own spreadsheet. If there is a problem, click CANCEL. If you wish to contact ER-Central about bulk uploading issues you can contact us here

9. Give the usernames and passwords to your students and show them how to login and use the system using this demonstration page.

10. Students login. On first login, the students will be taken to a SETTINGS page and are required to enter some information such as their date of birth (so we can better profile their learning), gender, their first language and must enter either an email address or a security question and answer to recover their password. In addition they are recommended to provide some data about their past learning experiences and preferences. They can also enter a teacher’s email address. If they click this in their SETTINGS page it will send the teacher the students’ reading and learning data.


If you wish to delete users, please contact ER-Central.